Indoor Air Quality Articles

Benefits of Using a Humidifier in Your Home

January 15, 2024
Benefits of Using a Humidifier in Your Home. Image is a photograph of a young girl looking in awe at an active humidifier.

If you don’t have a humidifier in your Salem home, then you may not be aware of just how useful these devices can truly be. Humidifiers are particularly handy in the winter but can be helpful during any season because they offer a significant number of benefits, including providing better indoor air quality (IAQ) for your OR home.

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The Basics of Winter Indoor Air Quality

December 20, 2023
The Basics of Winter Indoor Air Quality - Father with son sitting in comfortable armchairs in their cozy country house near fireplace and enjoying a warm atmosphere and flame moves. Their beagle friend dog sitting beside on white sheepskin.

In the winter, being snug as a bug in a rug in your home can be cozy, but it can also play havoc with your indoor air quality (IAQ) here in Oregon, creating some significant health problems. At Mill Creek Heating, we recommend taking precautions to avoid the common issues associated with winter indoor air…

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How a Whole-House Humidifier Keeps You Healthy

September 20, 2023
Image of two people washing dishes. How a Whole-House Humidifier Keeps You Healthy.

There are many advantages to adding a whole-house humidifier to your Oregon home. Adding a humidifier can increase the comfort level in your home and lower your annual energy expenses.

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